At the end of July we spent a nice weekend with friends in Munich. We caught up with Lisa, Scott and Jack (neighbors from Vancouver) and their niece Michelle. They were on vacation and passing through Munich. Friday night we were lucky to find a place for eight people in an absolutely overcrowded Hofbrauhaus, while outside it was pouring rain. The next day after a short walk in the town we stormed the Deutsches Museum (Germany's answer to the Smithsonian).
Then it was time to say good-bye, since it was time to meet my cousin Achim for dinner. We went out to a nice beer garden in Munich's main park.
The next day we had tickets to an absolutely fabulous Tutankhamen exhibit. It detailed the story of finding and excavating the treasures, and a set up of how the chambers were found. Finally the individual art pieces were displayed. It was truly an amazing experience. Here are some pictures.